Fig 1
DESCRIPTION: Length up to 8mm. A chestnut brown weevil that is quite bulky in appearance with large black eyes, a long black rostrum (snout) and a varied darker patterning on the elytra. The end of the antennae are spear-shaped and somewhat narrow with the final bulbous area made up of 3 segments. BEHAVIOUR: Lives in Oak trees where it feeds on acorns. It can be attracted to light, especially moth traps. The female uses the long rostrum to drill into the centre of an acorn to lay her egg. The short, cylindrical larvae feed within the acorn and eventually bore their way out. DISTRIBUTION: Frequent, especially in southern Britain but never found in great numbers. HABITAT: Wooded areas, parks or gardens wherever the foodplant occurs. PERIOD: Best seen from spring to late summer.

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